
Sunday, December 26, 2010


  1. Thank you, Vivian, for your Ginger Rogers information. I am totally a fan of Ginger and thank you for all your research!

  2. Woah! This is a great undertaking here, Vivian! I wish I would have seen your blog sooner - guess I should get out more into the blogosphere, eh? :-]

    I have thought about a 'book proper' about Ginger, but it's tough to find time to give to it... hope you can continue with it - and have a great Gingertennial!!!

    AAANNNDDD, PLEASE feel free to check out my blog, Gingerology... we just throw out 'miscellaneous' topics and info, and gab about it... would be honored if you join us!!!

    Keep it Gingery, Vivian!!!

    KIG - VKMfanHuey

  3. Hi,

    what interestings pages on Ginger Rogers. I loved her as a very young child watching her and Fred on the TV on a Sunday afternoon. I loved dancing through her, and could never keep still as I tried to be like the ethereal lady who brightened my, not so happy childhood.
    If ever there was a movie on the Television which featured Ginger I sat fasinated, eyes glued to the screen. Needless to say I still love watching her, and am in the process of obtaining all of her films, and anything that gives me information of wonderful Ginger Rogers.

  4. Loved your photo's on Pinterset. Great to see Ginger as an older woman. She was a beautiful woman all through her adult life. The "Tops" indeed.
